Chronic Back Pain Q&A

Sam asks: “I have had two back surgeries and still have pain. The first surgery was great, but I popped another disc requiring a second operation. The second surgery helped at first but now one year after the pain has returned. What would you suggest?

Sam, as with Jim and Alicia, you need a full history and exam by a trained and certified pain specialist. Because of our experience in treating many patients like you, I would suggest an up-to-date imaging of your back as a starting point. The most common causes of recurrent pain are recurrent herniated discs, scar tissue build up, and narrowing or stenosis in various areas of the spine. Your treatment will vary depending on what is found. Often, non-invasive modalities listed above may be all that is required to take care of your pain. Unfortunately, the answers to this problem are often complex. You may require more invasive treatment options such as an x-ray guided steroid injection, image guided nerve lesioning, or spinal cord stimulation depending on the severity of your pain, history, physical exam, and imaging studies.

For additional questions on this subject or other chronic pain questions, and how we can possibly help you, please feel free to contact Dr. Gordon via e-mail or call us directly at the number below.”

New York Pain Management has Board Certified Pain Physicians working for you. We have locations in Clifton Park and Queensbury and more information can be found on our website at

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